Monday, January 26, 2009

HAWAII, motorcycles and a job i hate

i really hate my job. i want to quit. like today, so i don't have to go in this afternoon. yuck, i know it is going to be a mess.

we got orders for hawaii! woohoo! we don't leave until June '10 but still, EXCITED!

i am in the process of buying a motorcycle. right now i am looking at 2 harleys (sportsters) and a SWEET '99 Triumph. all 3 are gorgeous, the one that gives me the better deal gets my money. (i'm hoping it's the triumph, right now it is weeeeeeeee!)

1 comment:

Laura Lee said...

WOW!!! Gives me a reason to come visit!!! god I Miss it!!!!

Get the doggies innoculated and started NOW!!! Don't procrastinate or they will have to go into quarentine and that is PRICEY!! Trust me, it costs 14.90 a day per animal in 2004, could just imagine it has gone up since then!

Get rid of the TRUCK...Gas is 5.00 a gallon, just like England, only you will be sitting on the H1 parking lot (oh that is the "hi-way")