Thursday, January 29, 2009

waiting on the tax return...

and then i can get my bike. he dropped the price for me and is holding it as long as he doesn't get a buyer with cash in hand before i do! ARGH! must. get. triumph! someone loan me $3000 so I can get it now. i will pay you back like next weekend. seriously.

Monday, January 26, 2009

HAWAII, motorcycles and a job i hate

i really hate my job. i want to quit. like today, so i don't have to go in this afternoon. yuck, i know it is going to be a mess.

we got orders for hawaii! woohoo! we don't leave until June '10 but still, EXCITED!

i am in the process of buying a motorcycle. right now i am looking at 2 harleys (sportsters) and a SWEET '99 Triumph. all 3 are gorgeous, the one that gives me the better deal gets my money. (i'm hoping it's the triumph, right now it is weeeeeeeee!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Heart of Mary: Some 'firsts' for 2009 ( a new bag and a giveaway!)

Very cool, crafty site! Check her blog out, and enter to win the patterns she's giving away so graciously! Just click above, it's a linky dinky! muah!

Heart of Mary: Some 'firsts' for 2009 ( a new bag and a giveaway!)